On Surface Finishing Day, Our Industry is More Vital Than Ever
There are many days in the year to recognize and celebrate. Today is National Surface Finishing Day and I’m pleased to highlight it on behalf of the National Association for Surface Finishing (NASF).
It’s not a day most Americans recognize or celebrate, and it’s certainly not a holiday for those of us in the plating, finishing and coatings industry. Far from it. In fact, the industry is as busy as ever, particularly through the ongoing challenges of the pandemic.
For this year’s National Surface Finishing Day, what is it specifically that we’re looking to recognize and celebrate about this industry that, incredulously, remains nearly invisible to consumers and citizens across the nation and most of the world?
To us it’s rather simple. We’re making the world better. All of us. Our job shops and captive shops, our chemistry and equipment suppliers, employees at all levels, and customers of all sizes in industries and value chains that are absolutely vital to our health, quality of life, our security and our future.
As we’ve highlighted through our NASF Surface Technology Initiative in recent years, we add value to millions of products by making them last longer, look better or perform in ways that would otherwise be impossible.
We’re passionate in this industry about what we do and the people who do it. And we’re enthusiastic about sharing it with a wide array of audiences, from the students, professionals and military personnel in our AESF Foundation training courses, the universities we partner with for our research grants, to our leaders in Washington and in our regulatory agencies in the U.S. and across the globe.
It’s worth taking a moment today to recognize the contributions of our industry that are more vital than ever. Most important is a sincere “thank you” to all of our NASF members who are supporting the work we do on behalf of the industry, our NASF 1000 contributors to help us advocate effectively, and our NASF Partners for investing in the association’s efforts to advance a sustainable future.
Jeff Brassard, NASF President