The National Association for Surface Finishing has released its Public Policy Update for May 2021. Some of the highlights in the update are summarized below. You can access the May 2021 Public Policy Update here.
EPA Announces Formation of PFAS Council — EPA Administrator Michael Regan announced the formation of the EPA Council on PFAS that will be tasked with developing a strategy for addressing PFAS in water, air and land and will compliment and attempt to focus the agency’s ongoing PFAS activities. The council will include senior EPA officials from a broad range of program offices and regions.
OSHA Sends COVID Emergency Temporary Workplace Standard (ETS) to White House for Final Review – OSHA is moving forward with its much-anticipated COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) for the nation\’s workplaces. The ETS was submitted to the White House Office of Management and Budget for review and is expected to be released this month.
OSHA National Emphasis Program for the Enforcement of COVID Protections in the Workplace — OSHA has launched a National Emphasis Program (NEP) to ensure that employees in high-hazard industries are protected from the hazard of contracting COVID in the workplace. The NEP targets establishments that have workers with increased potential exposure and ensures that workers are protected from retaliation for reporting alleged violations.
California Announces Rule to Transition Hexavalent Chromium Processes to Trivalent Chromium — California Air Resources Board (CARB) continues its rulemaking efforts to transition of hexavalent chromium processes to trivalent by 2023 for decorative chromium plating, by 2027 for functional chromium plating, and by 2032 for chromic acid anodizing. CARB expects to finalize the rule by the end of 2021.
NASF Provides Technical Input to Danish EPA on Nickel Coatings — NASF provided information on nickel-free coatings and the use of nickel in coatings to the Danish EPA who is working on a project for nickel-free coatings.
EPA to Move Forward on Proposed Rule for N-Propyl Bromide – EPA is seeking input from small business representatives (including NASF and two of its members) as it develops a proposed rule to identify management options for n-propyl bromide that protect human health and the environment and will minimize impacts on small businesses.
State Agency Chiefs Release Updated White Paper on PFAS — The Environmental Council of the States (ECOS) released an updated version of its “white paper” that outlines state efforts and considerations for future regulatory activities on PFAS.
EPA Announces Plan to Update Toxics Release Inventory to Advance Environmental Justice — EPA announced that it will be taking important steps under the Toxics release Inventory (TRI) to advance Environmental Justice, improve transparency, and increase access to environmental information.