Form 300A must be submitted electronically by July 1, 2018

Washington, DC – The National Association for Surface Finishing sends this reminder: submit your 2017 injury and illness summary report electronically to OSHA today, before Sunday’s deadline.

OSHA estimates that 450,000+ US companies must submit 2017 Form 300A data under the agency’s tracking system – the Injury Tracking Application (ITA). Companies are required to submit Form 300A if they meet these criteria:

  • Large Companies – If you have 250 or more employees and are currently required to keep OSHA injury and illness records.
  • Small and Medium-Size Companies – If you have 20-249 employees and are classified in certain industries with historically high rates of occupational injuries and illnesses. This category includes most manufacturing operations, including companies in the surface finishing industry.

More information on this reporting requirement is available on the OSHA website at

For further information, please contact Jeff Hannapel with NASF at [email protected]