Most Frequently Asked Questions for Education
Tuition is found on each course description page. You can navigate there by clicking the “register” button after any of the courses on the course calendar.
The course calendar has specific dates for Web-Based and Classroom courses. Web-Based courses take place on pre-determined Tuesdays & Wednesdays between 12:00PM and 2:00PM EST; Classroom courses take place over 2-4 days (add 1 day for optional exam.)
An explanation of these options is here.
All sign-ups are now online. Visit this page.
There are discounts for NASF members; also, employers who sign up 5 or more employees for one course receive a 10% discount on everyone’s tuition. Learn More.
All course materials are electronic and will be sent prior to the start of each course.
The highlights for each course are outlined in the course description. You can navigate there by clicking the “register” button after any of the courses on the course calendar.
Course exams can be taken at your location with a proctor. A proctor is a supervisor who already has a CEF, CAF or MSF designation or someone from human resources who can receive the hard-copy materials by mail, administer the exam, and send the completed materials back to NASF/AESF Foundation for grading.
The requirements for MSF designation are located here.
We recommend a basic course called Plating Essentials, a great introductory course on equipment, chemistry, plating processes and much more. It’s ideal for new hires, new supervisors, sales personnel who work with metal finishers, and those in management who want a non-technical overview course. The web-based version is offered each September; you can also take it as a home study course any time. Learn More